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Car Con Carne

May 18, 2016

Welcome to a truly behind-the-scenes episode. Car Con Carne is shooting a TV pilot this summer; a for-real, I'm-not-kidding, television show, produced by some of the most talented TV people in Chicago. Before that happens, there are a lot of audio, video and content questions that need to be figured out. To address those, we held a pilot "rehearsal" today at the original BRGRBELLY (Portage Park, 5739 W. Irving Park Road). 101 WKQX midday host Lauren O'Neil was gracious enough to be my guest for the rehearsal. She was a trouper, totally game to hang out as the tireless film crew and team at BRGRBELLY worked through several interior and exterior shots. Once that camerawork was done, Lauren and I retreated to my car for food and conversation. You know, typical Car Con Carne stuff. Because this was a rehearsal, you may notice some audio issues (overmodulating microphones, for instance). Any issues you hear are part of today's learnings, and will help the production team make the pilot as good as it can be. Featured in this episode: -Will the Dashboard Jesus bless the TV rehearsal? -Lauren's choice of burger means she ingested roughly 5000 less calories than me. -Lauren seems to think six napkins is plenty, leaving me to ask, "How dainty of an eater do you think I am?" -We learn that one should never mess with Lauren when she's hangry. -The importance of the local music scenes in Chicago and Gainesville is discussed. -I question whether Lauren's the only person working at 101 WKQX. -Lauren will totally get me a job in her pizza place. -Lauren has eaten gator. It tastes like chicken.