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Car Con Carne

Sep 25, 2023

The first-ever H.O.O.F. (Hands Off Our Fest) happens on Saturday, September 30 at Blue Island Beer Company (13357 Olde Western Avenue, Blue Island). Appearing on the bill are:



Hayley and the Crushers

Won’t Stay Dead

Heet Death

Hi Ho

Sex Dream
Sleeping Villains

Shannon Candy


… as well as a drag show and flash tattoos by Teddi Garson.


I recorded this episode in Blue Island Beer Company with three of the performers: Birdy (Sweetie), Shannon Candy and Rachael Villa (Sleeping Villains). Birdy is also the organizer of the event, so she explains the genesis of the event and how it’s meant to create positive vibes and bring community together.


We talk a lot about the journey of women musicians within the “scene,” and the things they don’t feel comfortable calling out or addressing.


H.O.O.F is going to be a fantastic event, and I hope you’ll consider spending your Saturday afternoon/evening at Blue Island Beer Company!

Car Con Carne is presented by Alex Ross Art. Visit Alex Ross on YouTube! Be sure to also visit to see his work and get your hands on an original piece.


Car Con Carne is also sponsored by NINETY DAYS IN THE '90s (, by Andy Frye. Take the “Grey Line” back in time to 90s Chicago and relive all the music, moments and pop culture! What bands does she see? What clubs does she see them in? Read the book and find out!


Get a copy wherever you buy books, or get a signed copy Sun, Oct 1 at Loud Pizza Records, in Highland Park.